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PDF Settings

When you’re ready to send your artwork to be printed, follow these PDF settings to properly export your files. This will ensure fonts, colors and images arrive at Printco accurately. Fonts with licensing restrictions may prevent you from creating a PDF file.

A Note on Color…

Check for RGB images and color swatches! Remember, printers use CMYK.

PDF Settings 1
1. General

Compatibility: Use the highest version available


Uncheck all

Uncheck all

PDF Settings 2
2. Compression

Color Images: Do Not Downsample

Grayscale Images: Do Not Downsample

Monochrom Images: Do Not Downsample

PDF Settings 3
3. Marks and Bleeds

Marks: Crop Marks/Page Information

Bleed and Slug: Uncheck “Use Document Bleed Settings”. Set all at 0.25 in

PDF Settings 4
4. Output

Ink Manager: If not needed, PMS and spot colors can be converted to CMYK here.

PDF Settings 5
5. Advanced

No changes

PDF Settings 6
6. Security

Do not password protect or add permissions

Save Preset: Save all settings for future use